Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mission 2: Salvage


The entire thing was a setup. The captured officer freely gives the fire warrior interrogators whatever information they want, laughing at the confusion this causes. He tells them there's a larger plot, but that they'll want to wait to hear about that because there's an attack force on the way.

The Chaos Sorcerer running everything has stripped the guard garrison down to its bare bones, added some chaos marines, and sent them to crush both forces that are in system. The only chance is for the Tau and the Space Marines to fight together. Your Ethereal has notified the marine's chapter master of the impending attack and agreed to send reinforcements. The Space Marines are fortifying their position so that Chaos can be held off long enough to evacuate their in-system command post.

During the raid in which the company commander was captured, the forces of Chaos cut off all chance of reinforcements. If you're going to stop the sorcerer, it's going to be with whatever you can salvage in this battle.


You face overwhelming odds and have no hope of being able to win this battle outright. Keep Chaos from capturing the objective point for 4 turns to evacuate the command post.

Mission Rules

Normal FOC applies.
Both forces will be 1500 points.
The winner is able to use 2 special characters, the loser only 1.
The attacking Chaos horde will come in using reserves rolls as if turn 1 were turn 2 on the reserves table.
The enemy all have the endless rule.
You'll be able to place the terrain and objective wherever, however you want. Terrain can have a maximum save of 3+ when initially placed.


If you succeed in holding off chaos, you'll have 4 special characters. The next mission will be more favorable for your armies.

If you fail, you'll both have only 2 special characters for the next mission. The next mission will be less favorable to your armies.

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